Sunday, August 1, 2010

As I mentioned before I have started writing every other month for a website called: Fabulously Flawed. If you haven't check it out please do: HERE. The site is dedicated to helping young girls appreciate their beauty and embrace who they are.

For our August issue we have come up with an awesome campaign, it is called:

We all have flaws and we want young girls to look in the mirror, and rather than be ashamed of them, to embrace them, to accept that they are part of you, that they make you who you are.

We need you to take a picture with a piece of paper and on that paper you would write a flaw you think you have. Ex: Freckles, stretch marks, extra weight, birthmark, lack of confidence, etc. It can be ANYTHING.

Here is an example of mine:

(I feel like I look like I am taking one of those jail pictures... Not that I ever have taken one, but it kinda looks like that right? haha)

Please if you are interested in being on the website and participating in this awesome campaign email me WITH your picture to OR email Kim herself at

You have until AUGUST 10th to send the picture, and because I know that we all have extremely busy lives, if you send a picture with your flaw to MY email, I will automatically enter you in a contest to win a hangbag purse holder...

If you don't know what it is it's this GENIUS idea that anytime you are out, you hang the hook on the table and hang your purse on it, so your purse NEVER touches the ground... Now if you're a germ freak like me, this is SOOOOO something you need. I take mine EVERYWHERE!

Below is the one you will be receiving:

It's a beautiful light blueish/green colored with a pearl looking middle. These are the best ever!

Again, all you have to do is send your photo with your flaw to BEFORE August 10th to be entered... So not only will you receive this awesome handbag hook AND be on the page for the month issue, you will be helping young woman ALL around the country realize how beautiful they really are!

If you haven't checked out the site please take the time to do so and help out with this wonderful contest!

Thanks & look forward to seeing your photos!


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