Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Scarlett gained critical acclaim in her early teens for her roles in The Horse Whisperer in 1998, and Ghost World in 2001. She received the first of three Golden Globe nominations for best actress for both Girl with a Pearl Earring and Lost in Translation, taking home a BAFTA for the latter. More mainstream films followed with Scarlett appearing in The Other Boleyn Girl, Vicky Cristina Barcelona and The Spirit in 2008, followed by He's Just Not That Into You, in 2009. The actress has modelled for famous designer brands Calvin Klein and Louis Vuitton, among others. In May 2008, Scarlett debuted her first foray into the world of music with her album Anywhere I Lay My Head, which included cover versions of Tom Waits songs. A second album, Break Up, is scheduled for imminent release. Scarlett has been romantically linked to numerous Hollywood men, including Benicio del Toro, Justin Timberlake; whose music video she appeared in, and Josh Hartnett. After dating for over a year Scarlett married Ryan Reynolds in September 2008, but the couple announced their split in early 2011.

Scarlett Johansson called Sandra Bullock "a man-hungry tramp" for dating her ex-husband Ryan Reynolds. But you know what? We think that her divorce from Ryan Reynolds has nothing to do with Sandra.

Scarlett wanted to be free, because she's still young and there are so many men out there just waiting for her. So she dumped Ryan saying he was the one cheating on her.
The fact is that she said those words about Sandra "because she still has intense feelings for Ryan and feels Sandra isn't respecting that at all", one of her friends told The National Enquirer. The friend added that 26-year-old Scarlett is even considering getting back together with Ryan. Which we doubt.
"Sandra may be known as 'America's Sweetheart', but she's NO sweetheart to Scarlett. She feels Sandra is torpedoing any chances at a possible reconciliation - by jumping right in with him! It hurts her terribly that while she’s wrestling with these huge issues about ending her marriage, Sandra doesn't appear to have any regard for her. She thought they were friends and that Sandra would keep a respectful distance, particularly after what she went through in her own messy breakup with Jesse James. Scarlett is hearing how much Ryan loves helping Sandra with her adopted baby Louis. Now she feels there's little chance to win him back", the friend added.
We definitely think that Scarlett doesn't care. She maybe want to look like a victim, but nothing more.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Freddie Mercury (born Farrokh Bulsara), (5 September 1946 – 24 November 1991) was a British musician, singer and songwriter, best known as the lead vocalist of the rock band Queen. As a performer, he was known for his flamboyant stage persona and powerful vocals over a four-octave range. As a songwriter, Mercury composed many hits for Queen, including "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Killer Queen", "Somebody to Love", "Don't Stop Me Now", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and "We Are the Champions". In addition to his work with Queen, he led a solo career, penning hits such as "Barcelona", "I Was Born to Love You" and "Living on My Own". Mercury also occasionally served as a producer and guest musician (piano or vocals) for other artists. He died of bronchopneumonia brought on by AIDS on 24 November 1991, only one day after publicly acknowledging he had the disease

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Periodistas de Buenos Días a Todos quieren honrar al ex conductor del programa chileno y a sus compañeros fallecidos en el accidente aéreo de la isla Juan Fernández

El primero en comentar la idea fue el conductor Julián Elfenbein durante la emisión especial realizada el lunes, luego del accidente aéreo en el que murieron cinco miembros del equipo de Buenos Días a Todos, incluido su animador estrella, Felipe Camiroaga.

Los periodistas del matutino, aún conmovidos por la trágica noticia, propusieron bautizar con el nombre del presentador de televisión al estudio siete de TVN, desde donde transmiten. La periodista Carolina de Moras aclaró que también solicitaron que el espacio lleve el nombre del resto de los integrantes del equipo que fallecieron en el accidente.

"Estamos barajando la idea, no sólo con el de Felipe, sino que lleve el nombre de todos nuestros compañeros. Pero es algo que se está viendo", indicó la ex modelo.

La iniciativa cobró fuerza y se espera que el director ejecutivo, Mauro Valdez, oficialice la decisión, según el diario chileno La Tercera.

Felipe Camiroaga, el reportero Roberto Bruce, la periodista Sylvia Slier, la productoraCarolina Gatica y el director asistente Rodrigo Cabezón formaban parte de la tripulación al avión que cayó al mar en los alrededores de la isla Juan Fernández el viernes 2 de septiembre. En el accidente no hubo sobrevivientes y sólo se pudieron recuperar cuatro cuerpos enteros de los pasajeros, entre ellos, los de Bruce y Slier.

felipe camiroaga duplicate

felipe camiroaga doodle

felipe camiroaga expression
La tragedia del accidente aéreo, a unos 670 kilómetros de la costa chilena conmociona al país, puesto que entre los desaparecidos se encuentran cuatro reporteros de la televisión pública y el que ha causado una especial conmoción entre los chilenos, ya que el avión transportaba ayuda humanitaria para los afectados por el terremoto de 2010 en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández. Entre los pasajeros desaparecidos se encuentra el popular presentador chileno Felipe Camiroaga, así como seis miembros de la tripulación, dos trabajadores del Gobierno, dos funcionarios de la Fuerza Aérea y seis colaboradores del programa Desafío Levantemos Chile, cuyo objetivo es ayudar a reconstruir el país tras el tras el terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010.

Entre los desaparecidos también se encuentra el empresario Felipe Cubillos, cuñado del ministro de Defensa, Andrés Allamand. Fue el secretario de Estado quien ayer informó al Presidente Sebastián Piñera de la tragedia. "Es estos momentos de angustia e incertidumbre es cuando más se necesita la unidad y solidaridad de todos los chilenos. Es un duro golpe para nuestro país", señaló poco después el gobernante.

El avión tuvo dos intentos de aterrizaje anteriormente al accidente por las malas condiciones climáticas, debido a los fuertes vientos que azotan a la zona. Aunque aún no se han confirmado víctimas, si se ha localizado una puerta del avión modelo CASA 212, de fabricación española. La han hallado en el mar, a 2.000 metros al este de la pista de aterrizaje de la isla Robinson Crusoe, donde hay una profundidad de 54 metros.

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