Monday, April 23, 2007

Jennifer's Big Payday

Jennifer was taking the metallic trend a little too far and she stepped out of the Mandarin Hotel this weekend with Marc.

Their new film El Cantante just released a fairly impressive trailer. Along with good early reactions, J Lo must be on cloud 9. She evidently also just scored a $1.2 million dollar paycheck to perform a 40 minute set for the joint birthday of a Russian billionaire and his wife on Saturday night.

The lucky couple, Andrei Meinichenko and Aleksandra Nikolic also forked out another $800,000 to fly J Lo, Marc and their entourage to his estate in England and put them up at the Mandarin. Still, Jennifer didn't go out and blow all that cash. She and Marc spent an hour on Saturday afternoon at Topshop! Maybe she was given an early preview of Kate Moss's new line.


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