Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Star boasts that he's a love god – but one who's totally faithful…

Will Smith is the best catch ever. He's tall, dark, handsome and rich, not to mention possibly the nicest man in the world… oh, and he's happily married. Damn.

The key to his nine-and-a-half-year marriage to Jada Pinkett Smith? 'Really, really good sex,' says Will, 38. 'I'm really good at it.'

He isn't worried about losing his appeal, either. 'Not at all,' he scoffs. 'I'm going to be so sexy when I'm older. You have no idea. I can tell you're moved by me right now. But see me in five years and it'll be hard for you even to talk to me.'

In case he sounds arrogant, remember all this is said with a huge smile. Will admits that he's always been shy around women. He's only had five serious girlfriends in his life, including Jada, 35, and his ex-wife Sheree, 39.

Will married Sheree in 1992 and they had a son Trey, now 14. But they divorced in 1995. Will was determined that his next marriage would be his last - and wants his relationship with Jada to be as happy and successful as that of his parents. The couple have a son Jaden, eight, and daughter Willow, six.

He explains: 'With Jada I stood up in front of God and my family and said: “'Til death do us part.” Divorce cannot be an option.'


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