Friday, September 28, 2007

Ask yourself a question. Would you ever want to watch Mariah Carey using the loo? Presumably the answer is no (if it's yes, get help, now), but Mariah thinks she's so bloody wonderful it's just the kind of thing any normal, heterosexual woman would want to witness.

Having drunk a little too much at a recent VH1 Music Cares event, according to Rush & Molloy, Madam Mariah needed to empty her swollen bladder. Rather than behaving like a normal human being and discretely nipping off for a slash, she sent two of her burly bodyguards into the ladies ahead of her demanding that everyone in there left.

Two women, to their eternal credit, refused and stood their ground, in response to which one of Mariah's 'people' barked the ridiculous order: "If you're going to stay, you better not watch Mariah pee."
Which does make you wonder whether she usually leaves the door wide open or maybe just pisses in the sink.


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