Saturday, September 30, 2006

Conference Countdown

So much to do, so little time…

It’s already October; which means that our second annual conference is literally just a couple of weeks away. I had expected planning this year’s event to be much easier than last year since it would involve simply duplicating the format. I would have been right, if I was not me and BAD RAP was not BAD RAP.

First, I complicated everything, as I always seem to so. I mean, who else would decide to have a baby just a few months before, and in the middle of planning, a national conference? Conference planning with a newborn presents a whole set of challenges I hadn’t anticipated.

Second, BAD RAP complicated everything. We thought it seemed unfair to the conference attendees to just repeat what we did last year with a few minor content changes. Nope, we had to change almost everything. We added more relevant content based on the feedback we were getting from shelters, rescues and the community. That still wasn’t enough. So we added more hands on work with the dogs so people would be able to hear about a training technique, see a demonstration and then practice it. Still not satisfied, we scheduled a separate ‘workshop’ at the East Bay SPCA on Saturday evening where we will be explaining the ins and outs of our unique sheltering program Pit Bull Hall (

Despite all of the work, it’s been a great deal of fun. Conference planning brings the whole BAD RAP team together, combining the special talents of each member of our Steering Committee. It also helps me connect more with the pit bull community. I’ve been energized by the emails from people all over the country, and Canada, who are so excited about coming.

This year we’ll have over twice as many people in attendance. We look forward to building new partnerships and reconnecting with old friends. With all of these eager visitors, I am convinced that the information will be used to improve sheltering and rescue of the breed that I love.

Stay tuned for photos and updates after this wonderful event. Better yet, we'd love to see you there!



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