Thursday, October 19, 2006

Whirlwind Weekend

Wow. Just wow. None of us can get over the high that we’ve had since the end of the conference on Sunday night. However, I must confess that mine actually started when I got to the hotel Friday evening.

On the way to my room, I passed by the event room. I just had to peek in. When I did, I found rows upon rows of tables with what seemed like hundreds of chairs. I stood in the doorway, in awe of the magnitude of this year’s event. We are a grass roots organization with no paid staff and here I was staring at a room that looked like it was awaiting the arrival of the United Nations. Maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but that’s how it seemed to me at the time.

My experience Friday evening set the tone for the whole weekend. There was just so much excitement. Attendees were excited as they filed in Saturday morning; the BAD RAP team was excited as they showed up with coffees in hand; and the guest presenters were also excited. That energy carried through hours of presentations and into the Saturday evening reception at Pit Bull Hall

In addition to all of the formal presentations, we talked informally sharing stories and ideas. We all made so many new friends and can already feel the momentum this weekend generated and the new projects that will come out of it. Keep your eyes out for information on our multi-day intensive ‘Pit Camps’ and the ‘BAD RAP road show’ as we look at taking our information to shelters across the country.

I’m already told that there will be a next year. I had anticipated we’d discuss the idea as a group after the conference was over like we did last year. But how can I say no to people saying ‘see you next year’ as they drive away?

Stay tuned while we sift through the feedback and wait for the photographs from our ‘official’ photographer, Rachel Young.

Special thanks to all of the volunteers at BAD RAP without whom this conference would never have happened!



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