Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Gilbert & Eddy update

Many of you have read (or heard about) the harrowing story of Gilbert and his 11-year-old buddy Eddy.

Short version: Gilbert had to undergo an emergency surgery recently to save his life. As you can see from this pic, Gilbert is on the mend and home recovering with his best pal. We're still fundraising to cover it.

In any case, Gilbert hates his conehead, and his skin isn't exactly where we'd like it to be, but he's alive and thrilled to be that way and he seems to be looking on the bright side. From Angie:

"One bonus of wearing that bucket on his head is that he can steal one of Max's toys and then put his head down to surround it and seal it off as Max tries to steal it back...and he's really workin' that angle too! What a silly dog. "

You might recall that Gilbert's pal Eddy was also slated for heart surgery a few days after Gilbert's dramatic operation. We're pleased to relay that Eddy's surgery was nowhere nearly as dramatic as Gilbert's, and Eddy was able to return home the same day.

Unfortunately, the doctors were not able to repair Eddy's heart. The good news is that they will be able to try again when he gets a bit bigger and older.

In the meantime, Eddy is looking on the bright side and is just glad that his pal Gilbert is home to hang out with him. There may be no Little League this year, but there's two dog pals that aren't going anywhere.


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