Tuesday, June 19, 2007

After Lindsay Lohan's recent spate of bad luck which included crashing her Mercedes in a very public way just in front of LA hot eatery The Ivy and an equally public breakup with Calum Best, Lohan has now been forced to call off her 21st birthday party at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas, The Sun reports. The folks at Promises rehab center in Malibu, where the young party hardy starlet currently makes her home, may want to start thinking about transferring Lindsay to a suicide watch facility.

Her spokesperson released a statement saying, "The party was cancelled officially over two weeks ago. We were confused why Pure was even still promoting it.

"But Lindsay will not be having the birthday party at Pure and is focusing on her recovery 100 per cent."
A Pure representative responded with, "We wish her the best as she is taking care of personal matters at this time."

Lindsay has previously talked up plans for her big bash on the Ellen DeGeneres. She said, " It's a big birthday and I'm going to milk it."

Well Lindsay, that was very clairvoyant of you? Since you're not allowed within 50 feet of an alcoholic beverage these days, shot glasses of milk may be the only thing you're allowed to toss back on your big day.


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