Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm dreaming that I'm in a world class hotel...and it's full of pit bulls and their friends...People are smiling at us...and well dressed valets are holding the door for us as our wriggly dogs glide in like movie stars over polished wooden floors...
Wait...Not a dream. We were really there, at the Claremont Resort with our pit bulls, for the third annual Turn Up the Volume BAD RAP Conference. *Pinch me.

Last weekend's event really did have a dream-like quality. Overlooking the gorgeous San Francisco bay, we discussed pit bulls non-stop for two days with movers & shakers from around the country. Heaven!

Bambi and the crew pulled off a seamless event full of great food and new inspirations in a top notch setting. Claremont staff was more than welcoming, and only one person freaked out at the sight of our dogs. ...There's one in every crowd, I guess.

A hot topic this year was Marcel Harnois' (Solano County Humane AS) presentation on American Bulldog history and particulars. More than a few animal welfare professionals were shocked to realize how easy it is to misidentify ABs as pit bulls. To help illustrate the futility of trying to identify breeds, Leslie Nuccio (BR) marched several dogs up to the front for a live version of the 'Find the Pit Bull' game. Not easy! A small bull mastiff stumped more than a few people by pretending to be a funny looking brown pit bull.

ASPCA's Ledy VanKavage roused everyone awake by pointing out some of the media's bigger fiasco's in 2007, and Sergeant Cronin from the OPD gave us his sage advice on ways to curb animal cruelty in our cities. There was so much more ... Loads of video of dog intros and rowdy play sessions; dog evaluations and kennel enrichment.

Conference goers watched a demo of 21 pit bulls at our Pit Ed Class training grounds, then, handlers turned their leashes over to our guests and they practiced what they'd learned. One guest actually teared up at the sight of so many well loved pit bulls in one place -- a good reminder that what's commonplace in our corners is not so common in other towns.

It was one of those weekends when you feel something bigger happening just beneath the surface of the calm goings-on; sort of like realizing a mild earthquake is rumbling beneath your feet while you're absorbed in doing the dishes. We look forward to watching the ripple effects of this event and are grateful to everyone who added their fire so this special gathering could come to life. Thank you!

Update: Sophie

The Queen of our Hearts enjoyed her first weekend with the comfort of warm blankets, good food and - luxury! - a pedicure. Her foster mom Stephanie tells us that she's so happy to have a cozy bed that she's reluctant to leave it. Can't say that I blame her.

Pamela Anderson and Rick Solomon have applied for and obtained a marriage license. The pair got the license Saturday afternoon in Las Vegas.

Solomon dated Paris Hilton in the past and is known for starring in her sex tape, ‘One Night in Paris.’ Solomon wed Elizabeth Dailey in 1995 and divorced her in 2002. He married ‘90210’ actress Shannen Doherty in 2002, but their marriage was annulled after 9 months.

Anderson also has two marriages under her belt. She married Motley Crue singer Tommy Lee in 1995, and later divorce him. She then married Kid Rock in 2006 and filed for divorce the same year.

She recently spoke about falling in love with a poker player who asked for sexual favors instead of paying him a $250,000 debt. It is now believed she was referring to Solomon, as he is a poker player.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Ask yourself a question. Would you ever want to watch Mariah Carey using the loo? Presumably the answer is no (if it's yes, get help, now), but Mariah thinks she's so bloody wonderful it's just the kind of thing any normal, heterosexual woman would want to witness.

Having drunk a little too much at a recent VH1 Music Cares event, according to Rush & Molloy, Madam Mariah needed to empty her swollen bladder. Rather than behaving like a normal human being and discretely nipping off for a slash, she sent two of her burly bodyguards into the ladies ahead of her demanding that everyone in there left.

Two women, to their eternal credit, refused and stood their ground, in response to which one of Mariah's 'people' barked the ridiculous order: "If you're going to stay, you better not watch Mariah pee."
Which does make you wonder whether she usually leaves the door wide open or maybe just pisses in the sink.

Our 3rd annual conference at the Claremont Inn was wonderful ... but before we could decompress and digest, the dogs started calling. Right now, this little lady has us all distracted....

She's a senior pit bull who lived much of her 11 years tied up out a yard. She may look a little beat up (Well okay, a LOT beat up) but she's somehow maintained the optimism of a puppy.

Sophie is missing an eye and an ear and is full of fight scars. She's been way-way-waaaaay overbred and she walks on wrists that have been broken and left unmended. Her jaw was broken somewhere along the way, and she doesn't have many teeth left. Her skin is bad, and her titties are hanging low from a very recent litter. (WTF!?) Despite the obvious trauma, drama and hard knocks, she loves people. Viva pit bull resiliency.

A BR member just brought her home so she could have some comfort while we scratch our heads and try to figure out what to do with her. For now, we plan to do a lot of standing back in amazement. More news to come as we get to know this beautiful soul.

Watch: Sophie's Movie

Update on Gary - Our other compassion case is improving very slowly. He loves chicken livers, but distrusts digital cameras. He's still sleeping off years of neglect, but comes alive and "Woo Woo!s" to hurry us along at dinner time. He's a funny, sorta simple kind of guy.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pamela Anderson and Denise Richards have reportedly been offered $1 million to pose nude together for the January 2008 issue of Playboy. The women, who became good friends while filming ‘Blonde and Blonder,’ are said to be considering the offer from Playboy boss Hugh Hefner.

Both women have posed nude for the magazine in the past. “Neither Pam nor Denise has committed yet, but they’re seriously considering it,” a source says.

Meanwhile, Richards is involved in a messy custody battle with ex-husband Charlie Sheen. The couple is fighting over visitation rights of their two daughters. Richards alleges Sheen is inappropriately attracted to underage girls and reveals his “private parts” on the internet. A former nanny for Sheen claims she has seen the actor inappropriately touching his daughters.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jessica Biel is in talks to play Wonder Woman in Warner Bros.' upcoming Justice League of America, with the superhero all-star flick possibly serving to launch Biel's own comic-book movie franchise, according to Variety.

The live-action film aims to bring together several of DC Comics biggest stars: Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Aquaman and the Flash.

A studio rep declined to comment on Tuesday, saying Warners would rather make one big announcement regarding the ensemble. So far, Biel is the first big-name actor linked to the highly anticipated—at least among fanboys—project.

(London's Guardian newspaper has reported that producers have also done a screen test with up-and-coming Australian actress Victoria Hill.)

If Biel ends up being cast in as Diana, the busty Amazonian princess warrior turned American icon, the 25-year-old actress would also be in line to star in a series of Wonder Woman feature-film spinoffs. Warners is reportedly envisioning JLA as a means to kick start both Wonder Woman and Flash stand-alone features.

A Wonder Woman flick has long been a passion of the studio. At one point, Buffy the Vampire Slayer mastermind Joss Whedon was on board to write and direct, but he pulled out last February, criting creative differences and leaving the project in limbo.

Whedon and the studio had apparently clashed over the casting the lead role. And although former Buffy stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Charisma Carpenter were among those rumored to be in contention to don the tiara, Whedon said he had not settled on his dream Wonder Woman.

JLA had also been on the drawing board for years, but things began to pick up steam when director George Miller, best known for his Mad Max and Babe franchises as well as last year's Oscar-winning 'toon Happy Feet, had come aboard to direct the superfriends film.

Studio executives are reportedly eager to get JLA before cameras before a potential Hollywood strike by writers and actors next summer.

After breaking out as minister's daughter Mary Camden on the long-running WB series 7th Heaven, Biel transitioned to feature films, including the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Blade: Trinity, Stealth with Jamie Foxx and The Illusionist, opposite Edward Norton.

Her most recent credits include the Iraq War drama Home of the Brave, the sci-fi thriller Next with Nicolas Cage and the summer's hit Adam Sandler-Kevin James comedy, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. After Biel wraps Powder Blue with Forrest Whitaker and Ray Liotta, she'll segue to A Woman of No Importance, Bruce Beresford's upcoming film based on the Oscar Wilde play.

If Warner Bros. can get the casting situation resolved quickly, JLA could start shooting by early next year, enough time to beat the strike deadline, and be in theaters by 2009.

But finding the right people to fill the tights has always proven problematic, especially when it comes to the Man of Steel and the Caped Crusader.

Neither Superman Returns star Brandon Routh nor Batman Begins hero Christian Bale will appear in JLA—both have expressed concerns that the new film will dilute their already successful franchises.

Production on the next Superman film is expected to proceed as soon as director Bryan Singer completes work on Valkyrie, his World War II drama starring Tom Cruise.

Meanwhile, Christopher Nolan has been shooting his Batman sequel, The Dark Knight, for a July 18, 2008 release.

Ahhh Boris. Such a good excuse to try out a new Internet toy.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Meg White Sex Tape has caused quite a stir. Meg White of The White Stripes, a band known for their raw low-fidelity sound, appears to have a sex tape blazing up bandwidth on the internet.

In the stills below, it sure does look like Meg but one cannot be 100% certain. And given the climate of fakes these days, one has to question the authenticity first.

On Sept 11, 2007 The White Stripes canceled their forthcoming engagements because Meg White was suffering from "acute anxiety". We can't help but wonder if the anxiety is due to this sex tape that has splashed onto the web.

To Download the video click here

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Well, if this doesn’t surprise the heck out of you, nothing will! In her quest for a mate, Paris Hilton didn’t have to look any further than her local Pizza Hut.

That’s right, the heiress has fallen in love with a pizza delivery guy. Alex Vaggo made the acquaintance of the heiress while the two were partying at the same Vegas nightclub.

All in all, it’s a pretty fortunate series of events for Vaggo. According to one of his friends, “He decided to fly to LA for a holiday and spent much of the summer working as a pizza delivery boy to raise extra money. We were amazed to see how quickly he hooked up with Paris.”

But Alex’s pals don’t have much hope for the relationship long term. They said, “He’s quite a shy, laid-back kind of guy. Paris will probably eat him alive.”

Friday, September 21, 2007

Did anybody else see this article?

It's a piece written by Ohio Supreme Court Justice Paul Pfeifer that showed up in the opinion section of Ohio's Marion Star newspaper. After the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the challenged breed specific laws were constitutional, Paul Tellings, and the amici parties filed a motion to reconsider the case. That motion is still pending before the court.

Not long after that motion was filed, however, Justice Pfeifer published that opinion piece in the paper.

Tsk tsk.

So much for judicial ethics and Ohio's own canon that says, "While a proceeding is pending or impending in any court, a judge shall not make any public comment that might reasonably be expected to affect its outcome or impair its fairness or make any nonpublic comment that might substantially interfere with a fair trial or hearing."

'Course I sent in a letter to the editor. In case it never appears in their newspaper, I copied it below. If anyone else is inspired to send your own comments, please do. Psst to you Ohioans out there -- your judges are elected, and, should he run, Judge Pfeifer comes up for re-election in 2011.


As an attorney and dog lover, I have been following this case with interest. Both the factual findings adopted by the Ohio Supreme Court and the legal analyses made are illogical and contradictory.

Judge Pfeifer confirms, "there is no evidence that pit bulls bite more frequently than other breeds," but then reports, "The trial court cited the substantial evidence supporting its conclusion that pit bulls, compared to other breeds, cause a disproportionate amount of danger to people."

Is no one else scratching their heads at this contradiction?

The "substantial evidence" relied upon was taken solely from the testimony of one witness -- the dog warden who so proudly touts that he has set the record for the most pit bull seizures. Let's look at what that substantial evidence is.

First, pit bulls cause the most severe damage when they bite. But Warden Skeldon testified that, actually, bites by the chow breed caused the most severe damage.

Second, pit bulls have killed more Ohioans than any other breed. According to the testimony, the plain statement that pit bulls have killed more Ohioans than any other breed is incomplete without evidence of the total population of dogs by breed. In other words, if there are 1000 poodles, 50 border collies, and 5 retrievers in a given population, and a statistic that showed 20 poodle-related fatalities, 10 border collie-related fatalities, and 4retriever-related fatalities, it would be illogical to give any great weight to the fact that poodles have killed more people than the other breeds. By having the total number of dog breeds available, the percentage calculation would show that poodle fatalities are 1 in 50; border collie fatalities are 1 in 5; and retriever related fatalities are 4 in 5.

So far, the first two factors are not persuasive, much less "substantial" evidence.

Third and fourth, police officers shoot at more pit bulls than any other breed and pit bulls are frequently shot at because police officers encounter them more during drug raids more than any other breed. I can only assume that these are the "problem circumstances" that pit bulls have the unfortunate luck with which to be associated. The subtle problem with this rationale is that being "associated with problem circumstances" focuses only outside environmental factors that have nothing to do with the inherent nature of a dog breed. Being "associated with problem circumstances" has no relationship to statutory language that sweepingly defines a breed of dog as inherently vicious.

Notably, there was no evidence that police officers shot at pit bulls because they felt threatened or because they were under attack or because the dogs were in any way dangerous or acted improperly. The state of Ohio elected to define an entire "breed" of dog solely because some individual dogs of that breed are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Let's summarize. Ohio's statute defines "vicious" dog as any dog commonly known as a "pit bull." The courts found that there's no evidence that pit bulls are inherently dangerous or vicious. Because police officers see and shoot at pit bulls more than any other breed, a statute defining the entire BREED as vicious is rationally related to public safety.

How can that statute be related at all, much less, rationally, to the legitimate interest of public safety?

Because Paul Tellings, the plaintiff, violated these laws, he was forced to give away one of his three family pets and had another taken from him and killed. Did that further public safety? How about the fact that since these laws were enacted, dog fighting complaints have doubled in number and dog bites in Mr. Tellings' county reached a record high in recent years? Furthering public safety, eh?

Perhaps public safety would be better served if the government would crack down on the root cause of "problem circumstances" rather than focus its misdirected energies on restricting, and in too many cases, euthanizing, those things "associated" with them.

I am also more than a little disturbed that Judge Pfeifer wrote this public piece that so plainly states his opinion on the constitutionality of the Ohio and Toledo laws while the case is still pending a motion for reconsideration. I can only hope that he upholds his duty as a judicial officer to be impartial and apply the law to the facts when ruling on that motion, and if not, that he remove himself as a decision-maker.

Actress tells magazine she married two of those guys; no word on women.

For all the talk and insinuations of her promiscuity, Angelina Jolie says she’s only slept with four men.

In an interview with Britain’s Cosmopolitan magazine, the sexy star said she has only “slept with four men in my life — and I married two of them!”

Of course, Angelina has also been linked to various women over the years, including her former “Foxfire” co-star Jenny Shimizu.

In a 2004 interview with Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush, Angelina talked about her seemingly very public love life.

“I have been involved with a few men over the years. But not the ones that are in the paper,” she revealed.

“Do you find it hard to live up to this image of being Angelina Jolie? Of being a sexual woman?” Billy asked her.

“I can be silly and awkward and I’m a mom most of the time, but when I’m with a lover I think I’m quite confident,” laughed Angelina.

“On that note, are you dating anyone or just seeing a lover?” asked Billy, long before Brad entered the fray.

“I have lovers,” she confided. “I’m not bringing anyone to my son so I’m not involved too closely.”

But when it comes to her current bedmate, it appears Brad and Angelina plan on keeping themselves plenty busy.

“We’re not done,” Brad told reporters when asked if the couple planned to have more kids. “They say, ‘Any plans for a fifth?’ And I say, ‘And a sixth, and a seventh, and an eighth, and a ninth.’ That’s my answer.”

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I guess I can talk about Gary now.

We didn't plan on bringing a Special Needs foster dog into our home with everything on our plates right now: BAD RAP's conference just hours away, more travel plans to the east coast just ahead, November's Pit Ed Camp to plan for and the Tuff Love Art Show all breathing down our necks. But sometimes louder voices call to you and you just have to listen.

This boney guy was covered in hundreds of fleas on his scarred, filthy dirty, starving little body. Just another day in an urban animal shelter. He was nobody's dog and he was basically, already dead. But he managed to look us in the eye with the calmest look of quiet resignation. Suckers-R-We ... we only meant to give him a bath before he went to meet his Maker, but his brown eyes sold us a bill of goods and five baths later, we loaded him up in the car.

When we can manage it, our group will take home compassion cases for the purpose of letting them die in peace after a few days of rest, love and sunshine. We don't talk about it much because, frankly, it's both painful and controversial. Why save a dog only to put it to sleep? In some cases, a dog's temperament is iffy, or - like Gary here - a dog might be too injured or too sick to invest limited resources into. I wish we could take on more of these cases, because there sure are a lot of shelter dogs that deserve a few days of quiet comfort before they pass on.

So, Gary.

Its hard to know exactly what his temperament is like. He's just too sick and shut down to care about much except mealtime and long naps. But today, after four days of food and sleep, he trotted outside, smiled at everyone, threw himself on the ground and did the classic Doggy Joy Dance on his back...legs kicking happily, tail wagging. We were thrilled. Even our personal dogs were happy to see it (he seems to like our dogs too).

Because dogs live in the Now rather than the 'What happens tomorrow?' future, we're happy just knowing that he's finally living. Whether or not he can be a part of our adoption program is still an unknown. Of course, we're hopeful...

Now onto that Conference! We so look forward to seeing old and new friends so we can plan better days for the Garys of the world. Bravo to all the participants and to the organizers who have been working long hours to create a fantastic event.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Now that Paris Hilton has unofficially told the world that Xtina is pregnant the guessing game begins on the sex of the little baby. According to OK! Magazine the news is in. For Christina Aguilera - it's a boy! Or at least it will be when he pops out.

OK! reports that it has learned that Xtina's closest pals are all shopping for some pretty gender-specific gifts. "They're all boy-themed, all blue," a source reveals to OK!. While Christina and hubby Jordan Bratman have yet to confirm that her growing belly bump is actually a baby, the magazine notes that it wasn't just Paris that spilled.

Ken Ehrlich, Executive Producer of this year's Emmy telecast, let it slip to OK! last week when he said, "We're very sensitive to her pregnancy." And ley's faceit - there was really no hiding that baby bump at the ceremony. She looked stunning and very buxom as she wore figure-hugging, pearl dress.

A few days earlier, Paris Hilton called Christina "the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world" at a pre-VMA party hosted by the mom-to-be.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Reportedly actress Lindsay Lohan is suffering from a sex addiction during her stay in rehab.

Lindsay, who is currently undergoing treatment for her drugs and alcohol habits, has found herself repeatedly thinking about her ex-boyfriends and erotic situations as a side effect of her rehab at the Cirque Lodge.

An insider has said that “She’s been having erotic dreams about her former lovers, like Calum Best, Wilmer Valderama and Jared Leto. Her counsellors are trying to get her to understand that she’s substituting one addiction for another. Besides the obvious dangers of STDs, having indiscriminate sex can lead to emotional heartbreak, and that can lead to drug and alcohol abuse.”

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pamela Anderson, now in her 40’s,has been caught in the spotlight for many reasons. Many of the controversies have been based on the amazing sexual appeal she obviously has, that which came naturally, and that which was bought and paid for, fair and square. Evidently no one is immune, including professional poker players.

In an interview on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Pam Anderson allegedly revealed that she recently owed a poker debt of 125 thousand dollars to a casino in Las Vegas. She acknowledge met a man there, who paid her gambling debt in exchange for sexual favors. She claims to have fallen in love with this new man, who she is currently dating as well.

As she described the debt, she said that the man offered to settle the debt if she would ‘make out with him’ and Anderson accepted his proposal immediately. She followed the statement saying that the entire affair felt romantic to her.

It worked out, I liked it. … I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors and fell in love. It’s so romantic.” - San Francisco Gate

Initially Pamela Anderson did not want to reveal the name of her mysteryRick Solomon man, but ultimately she did give his name. She said the man was poker player Rick Solomon. The popular starlet and former playboy model may be seen as a rail bird at the next major event – the audience will watch and see.

He’s also known for a sexy tape that was leaked to the media of himself and notorious diva Paris Hilton, while he was married to Beverly Hills 90210, and Charmed’s Shannen Doherty.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rapper 50 Cent has hit back at Kanye West for criticising Britney Spears' lacklustre performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, insisting the hip-hop star should not take out his anger on the troubled singer.

West recently slammed MTV's decision to let Spears open Sunday's awards ceremony ahead of himself, claiming the Toxic hitmaker was "not ready" to make her pop comeback.

But 50 Cent believes West is just jealous of all the attention Spears has been receiving.

He tells American DJ Ryan Seacrest: "(West) was upset, he's not used to being recognised. Period.

"Kanye expressed that he felt that Britney shouldn't be actually opening the show - almost like he forgot that Britney Spears sold 50 million records. She did.

"He is not thinking about her full body of work. She deserved to headline the show better than anybody else that was on it - even in the state that she is in."

Friday, September 14, 2007

Dane Cook and Jessica Alba Sex Tape? Ok, so it's kind of a sex tape. Dane Cook gives some stuffed penguin rough oral sex while Jessica Alba moans along as the penguin's voice.

Ok, this tape is seriously...just plain weird. It's from 'Funny or Die', and Dane Cook kind of scares me. He says things like, "Do you want me to eat your penguin ass?!"

"You like that, don't you?"

He's quite the grunter! IDLYITW quips: Jessica Alba and Dane Cook have a sex tape. Well, not really. It's just Dane Cook raping a penguin and Jessica Alba begging for oral sex. This looks like a lot more fun that what I did this weekend. I just can't seem to make a decent batch of lemon cookies to save my life.

Click here to view the video!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Every now and again, we up meet with someone who just wants to do a nice little story to help the dogs. Imagine that.

KPIX Story on Pit Bull Hall
This was one of those stories and producer Michael Murray is one of those people. Working with Mike and his ever-patient camera-man Brian was a very sweet experience, and a nice break from the norm.

She’s gotta be devastated that her nudie pics were leaked onto the Internet last week. But according to Joe Francis, founder of Girls Gone Wild, Vanessa Hudgens should be thrilled, and looking forward to a lucrative career with his company.

Francis has offered Vanessa $500,000 to star in a video and commercial for Girls Gone Wild. And as outlandish as that may sound to you and I, according to Joe it’s entirely logical.

From a Las Vegas prison, Joe told press, “There’s a little Girls Gone Wild in every woman. And this should be embraced as a positive, not a negative.” And Francis says that Hudgens is the perfect type of girl for his videos.

Vanessa Hudgens is the classic girl next door gone wild. Being sexual is not a crime. She took a picture, it was leaked, and now it is time to move forward with her career. She is gorgeous, fun, talented and outgoing, which are exactly the attributes that Girls Gone Wild and its fans appreciate. We certainly hope Vanessa jumps on the Girls Gone Wild Bus and joins the best-selling late night videos in the world as a host.”

Hmmm… High School Musical millions, or five hundred grand to look like a skank? Is it really a tough decision?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In April 2003, an 80lb registered American Bulldog named Kain attacked a small boy in Fremont, ripping off part of his ear. The media immediately reported it as a pit bull attack, despite the fact that the dog's owner and the shelter knew it to be an entirely different breed.

Here we are again. A large male dog reported to be between 80-130lbs attacked a Fremont mother and child, and once again, the Diana Diamonds of the world have been clucking and tsking about banning these horrible pit bulls. Never mind that this current attack - not unlike the one in 2003 - was certainly not a surprise -- the dog had a well known reputation for being a problem dog and human aggressive biter.

Why did it happen? Well, not because of his breed. It happened because - in each situation - very troubled dogs that were known to have issues with people were not properly contained.

It's THAT horrifically, tragically simple.

A reporter contacted us for an interview and wanted to know what would lead a pit bull to attack a child. (I'm always amazed at these kinds of questions; somehow our experience with pleasant family pets gives us license to speculate on the behavior of sketchy randomly-bred dogs we've never met. Scary, huh?) I asked if she was sure that it even WAS a pit bull. Pit bulls typically don't come super-sized unless they're mixed with something else or are imposters altogether. I was pleasantly surprised when she hesitated and admitted that, No, she hadn't considered that the police may have made assumptions.

Of course, the police are not trained in Breed ID. And, breed misidentification is as common as plantar warts at the YMCA...a disturbing trend that is bedeviling wonderful dogs everywhere.

I reminded her that whether or not the dog was a pit bull or an AB or a mix or something completely unknown, the real issue wasn't the label, but the "perfect storm" of circumstances that lead to such frightening events.

We're so very relieved that the Fremont mom in this storm was brave, resourceful and that her child is safe. And we can only hope that this reporter helps her, and the rest of the bay area understand that blaming a breed is just another way to confuse people away from the real issue: Troubled dogs need to be obsessively contained, or put to peace. Period.

By the way, we haven't met this dog, but he doesn't look very much like a pit bull to us. Then again, who cares? His rap sheet is the only thing that anyone should be looking at.

This weekend, the BAD RAP crew was out in full force at the Marin county Bay Area Pet Fair.

This fair has a ton of people and dogs, cats and other critters of all shapes and sizes. This year the organizers also put on a dog show for the homeless animals among us, called "The Other Dog Show," which had fabulous categories like "Best Lap Dog" and "Most Muttalicious," as well as "Best Non-Dog."

My dog Gunther is a natural at these events, and it turns out that his doppleganger Millie - currently up for adoption in our program, and the dog in the above photo - is following in his footsteps.

Millie's appearance would, incidentally, indicate that I won't have to be one of those people cloning dogs; it would seem that whoever made Gunther is awfully busy.

As luck would have it, the wonderful folks at C&M photography were at the booth next to ours and captured a variety of shots of the dynamic duo.

Is it real or is it Memorex?

Because Millie and Gunther are such similar dogs, they always attract a lot of attention when they're out in public - to the point that I'm generally slightly embarrassed because I probably look like I'm breeding these diluted lightbulb-headed dodos. The most common questions are the "Are they related?" inquiries. The answer, of course is: They darn well must be. Gunther and Millie showed up at the same shelter 5 years apart. Are they littermates? Is one a parent to the other? Are they from the same parent but different litters?

We don't know, but we do know that they look and act so freakishly similar that I can mistake my own dog for Millie at a glance.

In any case, Gunther took a backseat to Millie's charms at this particular show, as Millie racked up two ribbons in "The Other Dog Show" - she won Third Place in "Best Underdog," and racked up a First Place ribbon in "Best Lap Dog," which she won by sitting quite nicely (and upside-down) on the lap of a 10-year-old judge. On her way to collect her First Place ribbon, she was actually attacked by a Dalmation on a too-long leash, but just jumped away and kept on trucking (good girl).

Fame has its price...

Because Millie is The Poster Child for homeless pit bulls with an all-too-common story - used as a breeding machine, lived in a yard as a cheap alarm system, dumped to die at the shelter after a preventable scrap with another female guarding the yard - we were all very proud that she was such a hit at this event.

For her part, Millie seems to know that the worst is over, and despite her uber-mellow nature keeps showing us that's she's enjoying her new life.

We can't wait for her to find her forever home so that she can really and truly know that she's home for good!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Marriage of Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock lasted for six complete months and the busty blond is currently involved with Hans Klock.

It seems that Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton have a lot in common.

Apart from being blond, rich and famous, they both are pushovers for tough rockers.

Controversial Paris was recently spotted smiling and socialising closely with Pamela`s ex husband Kid Rock in Malibu.

Marriage of Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock lasted for six complete months and the busty blond is currently involved with Hans Klock, lipstick writes.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Vanessa Hudgen is 18 years old and is said to be the next hot thing in Hollywood.

It has come to light on the internet that there is a photo of Vanessa naked and apparently it has been confirmed that it is in fact Vanessa and not a look-alike.

It has been reported that Disney has just fired her from all promotions from the company.

These photos are said to have come about because her boyfriend apparently took some innocently naughty pictures of her and looks like he has put them on the net.

Vanessa’s rep has released a statement basically confirming that it is Vanessa in the picture.

Her rep has said that “This was a photo which was taken privately. It is a personal matter and it is unfortunate that this has become public.”

You can see the picture here

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Oh, irony, my fickle little friend.

No sooner had I just finished my blog post about Vick's apology than we received an article claiming that the Humane Society of the United States is auctioning off Vick's apology notes - notes that were apparently left on the podium during his press conference - on eBay.

The auction is live, and the last bid I saw was for $10,100.

This is the kind of stunt expected out of PETA or a private enterprise - headline vultures hellbent on cashing in on this tragedy by any means possible, regardless as to how their missions, beliefs or actions align (or conflict) with the well-being of the pit bull breed - or the Vick dogs in particular. PETA of course has continued to send out newsletters soliciting donations on behalf of dogfighting victims, yet their position on the breed has not changed. PETA wants to eliminate the pit bull breed and supports breed-specific-legislation, and one rationale stated was that only by eliminating pit bulls will the abuse to them cease.

Why are people so quick to blame and demonize the victims of abuse and exploitation for the abuse and exploitation?

In any case, that this means is that PETA's idea of "helping" the pit bull victims out there is to put them down and take steps to eliminate their cousins forever. Is this where the money being collected on behalf of all the dogfighting victims is going?


As for the HSUS auction, I simply hope that the money raised will be donated directly toward the care of the Vick dogs themselves, or toward the benefit of any real-live pit bull currently suffering at the hands of cruel owners, an overpopulation epidemic, an overcrowded shelter system ($10,000 can buy a lot of Kuranda beds and kennel enrichment toys, as well as spay/neuters), and a public discourse shaped by a sensationalist media machine most recently fueled by self-proclaimed pit bull experts who are only too happy to provide damaging, dramatic and untrue quotes about the breed - as long as those quotes are reported by a source with wide distribution.

Indeed, money keeps talking... and talking...

I was on vacation when the Michael Vick "apology" hit the L.A. times. As much as I was trying to stay away from skewed media stories and sensationalized reports complete with uneducated guests blathering away trying to pass themselves off as pit bull experts when in reality they were just talking heads seizing a chance to be on CNN, I was unable to avoid this particular article, as I ran across it trying to find the Jumble puzzle for my grandma.

Now, I don't expect much out of the mainstream media these days, and I most especially don't expect any hard news out of the Los Angeles times. But this slant on the Vick apology even disgusted my Mom - who's deathly allergic to dogs, doesn't think about them one way or another, isn't sure about the whole pit bull thing (she doesn't know any, so gets most of her information from the headlines), and has never had a dog in her life.

The title in the print edition of the Times was "Remorseful Vick enters guilty plea."

Remorseful? Really? Reading talking points crafted by PR people that carefully and specifically avoid all mention of the word "dog" or "animals" and refers to "the incident" as though this was an isolated, single transgressive event (of course, to Vick getting caught is the tragic event) counts as being "remorseful?" Huh - it would seem that sports writers are more easily impressed by words than actions - as long as those actions don't involve throwing a football really far, that is.

My mom and I - who are not, as it happens, sports writers - didn't buy the "remorseful" angle (it doesn't count as true remorse when you're just sorry you got caught), and we both received Vick's public "apology" with disappointment and disgust. Then again, I didn't expect much more out of a guy who got off on killing and torturing dogs with his own two hands.

That being said, it turns out that my disgust lies with the Atlanta Falcons franchise and the media outlets and commentators who seem all too eager to have an excuse to portray Vick as a repentant and worthy victim of circumstance.

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that Atlanta Falcons owner, Arthur Blank, has no plans to dismiss Vick from the team's roster. Money talks, and this is a $130 million dollar investment parroting his meticulously scripted talking points. Of course, Blank was quick to pin his decision on (his version of) the greater good, noting that pulling him off the team would be "not in our fans' or franchise's best interest. It would be a short-term fix at the expense of our long-term success."

Rich McKay, President of the Atlanta Falcons, went on to say that the team would "aggressively" seek to recoup the bonus paid to Vick - an amount around 29 million dollars.

Gotta love this one - "We're OK with having a dog-murderer, felon and sociopath on our team, but we're not going to pay him extra money on a job well done for it!"


Clearly, it is much more important that the Atlanta Falcons owners protect their business investment than it is to do anything remotely ethical or moral in this case, making the Atlanta franchise no better than Vick himself.

Michael Vick did not only purchase a facility specifically to train and stage dogfights, nor did he merely sit and watch the numerous dogfights held at his location. Michael Vick tortured and abused the animals at his facility - he ordered the killing of, and killed dogs in horrific fashion with his own two hands, and this kind of amoral behavior is inexcusable. How much money does it take to make someone forget that the hands throwing a football are the same hands that enjoyed killing an innocent dog?

In this case, it would seem that it's around $130 million dollars.

It is vastly unfortunate that the Atlanta Falcons and the various news outlets are so ready to take a scripted "I'm sorry" statement as an excuse to portray an animal abuser and killer as a tragic, downtrodden victim worthy of sympathy. There are real victims in the Vick case - victims who were beaten, tortured and used to kill each other as entertainment - but apparently those lives, not being worth $130 million in contracts or $30 million in bonuses, aren't worth mentioning.

Pit bulls are dogs. Had Michael Vick been hanging, electrocuting, beating, drowning and otherwise torturing Golden Retrievers until they died, I wonder whether the Atlanta Falcons, the ESPN and CNN commentators, and the rest of the reporters calling his scripted apology to his fans "heartfelt" would be so forgiving.

Michael Vick has made it clear that he is not sorry for torturing and killing animals; his apology makes it obvious that his first priority is his image and his fan support. Not once was any regret mentioned as to the innocent dogs that were killed at his own hands; not once was an apology offered to the animals themselves or the organizations that routinely deal with the fallout from animal abuse. Vick's PR people are making a very concerted effort to avoid any mention of his actions or the word "dog" at all, and are making it very clear that what Vick is sorry for is getting caught, and getting caught so publicly.

Actions speak louder than words. But money talks the loudest of all.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Jessica Simpson was spotted getting cozy with actor Leonardo DiCaprio at a Hollywood nightclub recently, NW reports.

"They were all over each other," says an eyewitness at Les Deux, who confirmed they were sitting in their own private booth, talking intimately. "His arm was around her and her hand was on his knee."

Despite recent rumors that Leonardo DiCaprio, 32, was planning on marrying his girlfriend Bar Rafaeli, the Israeli model seemed to be the last thing on his mind as he partied with Jessica Simpson until the early hours of the morning.

Insiders reveal that Jess, 27, has harbored a huge crush on The Departed star for years, and was extremely flattered when the A-list hottie approached her in the crowded hot spot.

"Jess always thought Leo was cute and talented," says a source.

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