Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American actress Jessica Alba, who likes to let the world know what"s happening in her life through her blog, has now made another confession on it – a love of board games. Jessica had previously written about how she loved French ham and cheese sandwiches, and how she now finds board games to be the latest craze in her life.

"Been playing a lot of board games lately," People mag quoted her as having written. "Apples to Apples is a new favourite of mine. I know super cool right," she wrote. She is even using her MySpace Celebrity blog to write about everything from the weather to the paparazzi. "Being preggers in this heat takes everything to another level. Guess they even work on holidays," Alba remarked about an Easter Sunday encounter with the paparazzi.

Alba also revealed one final extracurricular activity: a new music video. It has been uploaded to her fiance Cash Warren's Internet venture, which was co-founded with basketball player friend Baron Davis. In the music video she is appearing, she is lip-synching to Panic! At the Disco's song "Nine in the Afternoon" in a coordinated video with employees at the site.


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