Monday, April 21, 2008

She didn't shave her head or wander topless through the desert, searching for aliens, but teen idol Miley Cyrus is in one dilly of a pickle over the release of some racy photos.

Well, they're not exactly "racy" so much as "not even remotely racy, even if you're Amish."

The photos, which were posted on gossip blog, feature the 15-year-old Hannah Montana star showing off her stomach and - gasp - a fifth of her bra! No wonder everyone's all up in arms. Young girls might see that and want to buy their own bras! Won't someone think of the children?

Cyrus was previously in the hot seat earlier this year for posing in a T-shirt and underwear and also in late 2007 when photos were revealed of the young starlet and her friend sharing a piece of licorice at a sleepover. That's not a euphemism; it really was just a photo of them sharing a piece of licorice. Next stop: cocaine and hookers.


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