Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Year of Fun!

Here are a bunch of pictures taken within the last year. This should give you a pictoral idea of what I have been up to in the last year. The pictures are by no means in chronological order. . .but I have tried to caption each one so that you will know what it is a picture of, and when!

(Left) Just one of the pictures I took at Farragut State Park in September, 2007. This picture does not even do the park justice. It is truly amazing (and huge!) and this picture shows just a tiny fraction.

(Right) This picture is a picture that I took while watching the beginning of the Ironman competition in June of 2007. I thought it was pretty cool, with the flag and the Coeur d'Alene clock tower in the background.

(Left) Our house in the snow in January.

(Right) A self-portrait of me and the snow.

(Left) Me on the beach after the snow melted.

(Right) The Mannheim Steamroller concert in December, 2007, began with a bang!

(Left) All hail the Sharpie Queen! This is how I spent the majority of my 21st birthday: At work wearing a fake tiara and my new apron with purple butterflies and my name embroidered on it, carrying a sparkly pink wand with Sharpies dangling off of it (the Sharpies were added after this picture was taken). Yeah, I'm weird.

(Right) Here I am with two of my bestest friends on a nice sunny day in May.

(Left) And lastly, I cannot post a blog entry full of pictures without including at least one dog picture. Here is Reba. Isn't she a beautiful girl?!

For more pictures, look at some of my previous blog entries. . .you'll find pictures of the falls and the local flooding and pictures of my trip to Spokane last week!

I thought I would close with this quote I found online:

"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."

~Nathaniel Hawthorne"


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