Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Disaster in the Gulf

Houston-based blog "Hair Balls" has been covering the Houston SPCA's decision to allow twelve homeless Hurricane Ike victims go to rescue. It seems only natural that an animal welfare org - whose mission is to - Promote commitment to and respect for all animals and to free them from suffering, abuse and exploitation. - would assist sound, adoptable dogs who've lost their homes. But not so at HSPCA, where every unclaimed pit bull that walks in the door leaves in a dead barrel. The no-adoption policy of this 21+ million dollar charity shows no mercy and offers no apologies.

So why help these lucky twelve storm orphans then? Hair Balls Blog quotes a HSPCA rep who explains, "The circumstances with Hurricane Ike, we felt all the animals should get a chance.”

Thank you HSPCA, that's very kind of you. But what about Hurricane Foreclosure, Hurricane Landlord Discrimination, Hurricane Unemployment, and all the other disasters that are rendering adoptable dogs homeless?

ARTICLE: Pit Bull Laundering by the Houston SPCA

RIGHT: BAD RAP alum Boris lives near Houston. He's a happy survivor of Hurricane Oakland.


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