Monday, February 15, 2010

What's in your purse?

I am feeling a little "out of the writer zone" as boyfriend calls it. Guess it's the busy with work, school, balancing life act: I always thought I should join the circus. So for lack of a better post, I bring to you the game of:

"Whats in your purse?"

*Purse: from H&M - on sale!
*Wallet: from Urban outfitters - I love it. Neatly organized with great compartments.
*Planner: Target - Needless to say its my life.
*Lotion: Bath and body works, but it tends to change often.
*Chapstick: Gotta have those soft lips.
*Comb: Necessity with my hair.
*Pez Dispenser: from Nicole at my tea cups in peony - another necessity.

things not pictured:
- candy wrappers
- receipts
- barbie head?? umm, how the heckk did that get in there? I swear I haven't played with barbies since I was 7... ok ok 10!
- keychain
- change
- pens. lots and lots of pens.
- post it notes. im obsessed with them, its sick.

Today's purse clean was a GOOD day... One day I found a dirty spoon... I couldn't remember the last time I used it or how long it has been in there for that matter. Ew!

What's in YOUR purse?

Have a great Tuesday! (hopefully tomorrows post is more entertaining!



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