Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I feel...

I feel: Happy.

I feel: Taken advantage of.

I feel: Angry.

I feel: Fortunate.

I feel: Flirty.

I feel: Motivated

I feel: Stressed.

I feel: Silly.

I feel: In love.

I feel: Grateful

I feel: Confused.

I feel: In control

I feel: Frustration

I feel: Useless

I feel: Alive

.... and in the end, that's the feeling I should be thankful for. I'm alive. I was given another day. Another beautiful day, to prove myself. To laugh when I feel like I can't. To brighten someones day. To tell someone how important they are. Another beautiful day, to make it the best possible day, I can.

I'm alive.

(all photos via weheartit)


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