Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It was announced yesterday that New York (more like New Jersey) will host Super Bowl XLVIII in 2014. This is a terrible decision by the NFL. Not only does this change the philosophy of holding the Super Bowl in a warm weather city, it also isn’t fair for the rest of the league.

First, the Super Bowl for the most part is held in warm weather cities. Why is there the sudden need to change that since New York has a new stadium? The weather plays way too much of a factor there. There is a HUGE difference between possible rain in Miami versus a blizzard in New York. What happens if four feet of snow fall Super Bowl weekend and the game can’t be played? Are you going to move the Super Bowl to Monday? Are you going to schedule it on Saturday in case you have to push it back to Sunday? There obviously has to be some sort of backup plan.

Now, I know the average temperature for New York at the beginning of February is around 25-40 degrees, but you also have to remember that the game will be played in the evening which will make it even colder. If the weather is fine, obviously it’s no issue and it will just be cold, but if something drastic happens and the game can’t be played, or the NFL’s biggest game ends 7-3 because everyone was slipping around on snow, people will be upset.

I know what you are thinking, “well Angry One, they play the NFC and AFC Championship games outdoors in bad weather.” Yes, you are right, but it’s not the same. The team that has home field in conference championship games have earned the right to play on their field, in weather conditions they are accustomed to. It is part of having home field advantage in the playoffs. The Super Bowl is the NFL’s biggest game and decides its champion, you don’t want weather conditions playing a factor in who wins.

Not only does it make no sense because of the weather factors, but if I own an NFL team in a cold weather city, I am extremely pissed off right now. If New York can host a Super Bowl then why shouldn’t Philadelphia, Denver, Washington, or Seattle? They all have nice stadiums and I am sure they would love to rake in some of that Super Bowl money for their team and city.

You can’t just bend and adjust the rules for New York. If this is the new standard that the league wants to set, then all NFL cities should have a fair shot at hosting the Super Bowl, not just Southern Cities and sometimes New Jersey…I mean New York.


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