Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 29 – Defining Moment
Describe a defining moment or series of events that has affected your life this year. (Author: Kathryn Fitzmaurice)

I suppose that a defining moment in my life was as of recent. One that actually didn't affect me physically but greatly impacted me emotionally.

It was the moment boyfriend was held at gunpoint.

I wrote about it here and quite frankly I would rather not lavish out the details once again. However that moment was very defining. I felt a range of emotions flash before me when I got the news.

Terror. Hatred. Revenge. Sadness. Emphatic. Love. Gratefulness.

Between the 20 minutes I spoke to him and the time he spoke to the police all I could feel were those feelings... I felt so much hate and pain towards the men (or women I suppose) that did that, however I was so grateful that he was safe and wasn't harmed (as well as his other employees) I felt my love for him strengthen. Not that I loved him less before, but when a life threatening situation arises you truly know how much someone really means to you.

I cannot say I am thankful for that moment. I wouldn't want anyone to experience the emotions I did or the experience that boyfriend lived, however I cannot say I am unthankful for that moment either, it was a defying and life teaching moment. We are stronger because of it.

What's been a defying moment in your life?


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