Monday, February 28, 2011

As of right now, this is my favorite show, The Gilmore Girls :)
I have every season of DVDs and at the beginning of February I started to watch them all from season 1. I'm on season 6 now!
Could it be the warm feeling I get when I see these people walking around Stars Hollow, I have always wanted to live in a town like that.
Seasonal festivals, everybody knows everybody, and nice little hang outs such as Lukes!
Or possibly it could be the relationships, the guys are always such hunks. From Christopher to Luke and Dean to Logan.
Dean, Jess and Luke are my favorites though!
I also love Rory, she is my role model.
She has so much determination with school and learning. She always has a book in her hand and like Lorelai, knows almost everything about pop culture and has seen almost every movie and on top of all that, their funny!
The things these girls say are just so genius!
I could watch these DVDs over and over again, I lovelovelove them!


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