Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hey there readers of …and that’s what she said!
I feel so excited to be posting over here today! Rasha’s blog is one of my favorites and I’ve been reading her posts for almost a year! She’s awesome, don’t you think? She’s so positive and every post puts a smile on my face and helps me feel good about myself.

So I was inspired to write a post that would help you all realize that we’re awesome. (At least that’s the hope.)

But first I’m going to tell you all a little bit about me.

I’m a 21-year-old girl living in Las Vegas. I just moved and it’s a scary, crazy, exciting new experience! I’m always up for trying new things and I can’t wait to try this new experience!

I love my family loads and loads. They mean so much to me!

I have an adorable cat named Itty Bitty who moved to Vegas with me! It’s so great to have a buddy in this scary new place!

I am interested in way more than one person should be interested in. From photography to music, fishing to theatre, video games to drawing and reading to blogging, I keep myself really busy. I like having things to do, and I’m so happy that I have so many options available to me!

My blog, Simply Kate, is about my life, my thoughts, my ideas and my impressions. It is simply about me. I have a thing about being honest, and that’s what I like to portray on Simply Kate. Feel free to go over and check it out!

I’ve been thinking lately that we don’t give ourselves enough credit. We always focus on the bad things in our lives and rarely the good. And even more the bad things about OURSELVES. I can’t tell you how often I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and scowl at all of my flaws.

I made myself a challenge.

I sat down and wrote a whole list of good things about myself. I left out all of the bad and thought of only the good qualities about me.

I challenge you all to do the same! Sit down and just write down the good things about you! Put the list somewhere where you’ll see it every day! Put it on your bathroom mirror! Use it as a bookmark in the book you’re reading! Make the list your desktop background!

We are all amazing! Let’s remember that!

Thanks Kate for the awesome guest post! It's so true and something we SO need to do!


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