Monday, April 2, 2007

What could go wrong?

Plenty! according to reporter, Steve Blow, who uses the power of pen to warn cafe patrons in his revealing column. Mr. Blow uncovers a "legitimate cause for concern" when certain breeds saddle up for latte hour at hometown cafes. Read his investigative report on a suspicious pit bull recently spotted in a Dallas eating establishment (Warning: Graphic depiction of tongue yielding human): Cafe Crimes.

We've noticed similar disturbances in SF area cafes. Hidden cameras captured these shocking images:

Below Left: Lulled by the sports page, an unsuspecting cafe patron is clearly unaware of potential dangers. Right: Seconds later, predictably unpredictable, the canine is crazed by an unsatiable lust for low-fat foam.

Unable to stop the madness, the cafe patron recoils in horror; his beloved refreshment a victim of unstopable carnage.

Do YOU have photo evidence of pit bulls lurking in your local cafes?

If so, please send to for publication. We're committed to getting to the bottom of this latte... Er, this disturbing trend.

BAD RAP Ground Crew


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