Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Salma Hayek has a lot of big changes headed her way - she's engaged to be married and pregnant with her first child. While we were initially shocked to get all of this news at once, Salma has obviously been planning for a family for quite awhile. In the May issue of Marie Claire, Salma talks about the challenges she faces as a woman and as a Latina.

On Being Pressured into Motherhood: "I think it's terrible women are put in that position. Motherhood is not for everyone--it is for me, but there's no reason women should feel rushed to have a child. I don't know if you've noticed, but society thinks if you don't have children, you've failed as a woman, even if you are CEO of a company. You've got to be beautiful, smart, skinny, tall, rich, successful at your job, married to the right guy--and have genius children."

On Coming to Hollywood as a Latina Woman: "I thought I was coming to this amazing place, where projects would just fall out of trees. I was quite shocked to read the scripts being made. I started out in Hollywood at the same time as Jennifer Lopez. Before us, Latinas only had roles that were part of the backdrop, as the maid or the prostitute. We changed that. Of course, you're always looking for those Meryl Streep parts, but I am grateful for the things I did."

Salma is such a strong and independent woman with a good head on her shoulders. We bet she will be a great mom and role model to that lucky little baby who will also be fashionably dressed thanks to her Daddy. Salma also has a new movie in theaters now called Lonely Hearts with co-stars, James Gandolfini, John Travolta and Jared Leto. It is an interesting group and the trailer is actually surprisingly entertaining.


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