Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Our first crew of dogs at Oakland Animal Services was quick to show us how to make best use of the exercise yard for crazy fun adventures. Here's an update on the new collaborative project from our most recent Newsletter

And here are two young dogs who would prefer fewer words - more fun. They're each going to be great additions to their future families.

Tulsa Redone

The lab puppy case is all over the news - 205 news articles and counting. It's been interesting to see how many insist that a lab pup could never use its teeth to cause harm. In case your co-workers are trying to convince you that reality just doesn't work that way, here's a short list of old and not-so-old headlines to remind them that dogs are still animals, even when they can fit into a fancy leather shoulder bag. If you can quiet them long enough to read, maybe you'll be able to get some work done. Good luck. .....Dachshund ... Pomeranian ... Jack Russell Terrier ... Poodle/Cairn mix....


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