Monday, July 28, 2008

Lab Puppy Kills

Infant dies

I hate that we (we, as in pit bull people) will be using this heart wrenching story as an example of failed dog ownership, but we will - for a long time. Just like we've been using the example of the French woman who received the first face transplant. It's horrible to have to know about these things, much less keep track of so much grief. (Chako Press) I look forward to the day when people finally start to get it....

The dogs that are set up to fail don't know what breed they are.

Rest in peace, little Tulsa baby.

Since when do paramedics get to speak on dog behavior? Ugh.

"Even a very familiar family dog can turn on you, puppies specifically, they're unpredictable, they're young, they got a lot of hormones going on, you've never know what they're gonna do" - Chris Stevens of EMSA.


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