Phooey!! Roo & Clara's disk champ Wallace decided to get in the media for a new kind of adventure this week. A spatula snack lost him a chance at the Purina Dog Challenge, but earned him alotta love from a whole lotta well wishers. OUCH! - News .... Rest up, Buddy. There's always next year.
Animal Planet is showing re-runs of the Animal Witness Vick Case special Friday & Sat nights. Schedule ....The show did really well, ranking as AP's highest debut ever (stats) with over 1.1 million viewers the first night. Huh. We're discussing a follow up with them now.
Lovin' the View!
Oh joy! October is my favorite month in BR's Exposed Calendar. If you bought this issue, you get a little peek into the private life of Tim starting today. heh. We're getting our 2009 calendar together now, but it may be hard to outdo this celebrated view of Honky Tonk and his favorite human.