Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Because of suggestions that his hottie girlfriend Jessica Simpson is the jinx in his games, Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo felt the pressure and still led his team to victory over the Carolina Panthers Saturday.

Despite thousands of fans wearing Simpson masks, the Cowboys won the game 20-13. Some fans even wore blonde wigs. Simpson was not seen on camera although, according to ESPN, she was in attendance.

"I just put tunnel vision on. There's so many distractions about junk sometimes. I felt like the important thing for my team was to get myself into football mode 24/7," Romo explains.

"I let it roll of my back," the quarterback responds to the question if the media attention has bothered him. "It doesn't really bother me. But it hurts me when it hurts the people that are close to you. Some of the journalistic integrity this week was poor in some ways."

The game in question was last Sunday's game versus the Philadelphia Eagles. It was deemed to be the worst game of his career when he completed a season-low 13 passes and threw three interceptions.

Simpson was blamed for his loss. She was wearing a matching pink Romo jersey from a luxury suite view.

A website aptly named asks fans of opposing teams to download a Jessica Simpson mask from their site to distract Romo while playing.


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