Friday, September 18, 2009

When the team you own fans star passing out fliers that say “don’t walk alone” I think that’s the signal that you should probably change your ways or sell the team. The picture above is a flier being handed out in Liverpool by their supporters.

The Spirit of Shankly Supporters’ Union met at The Olympia on Saturday to allow the Management Committee to launch its proposed direct action campaign to see the American “owners” removed from the Club.

The campaign is to send a clear and unequivocal signal to the owners that they are no longer welcome at our airport, hotels, restaurants, ground, club or city. The campaign will focus upon media profile, leafleting, billboards and banners.

This is hardcore, Ranger fans start taking notes right now. This is how you get rid of someone you don’t like.This isn’t something new either. I posted a couple blogs about this last month.

Tom Hicks…Hated Worldwide

How do Liverpool Fans feel about Hicks?

BallHype: hype it up!


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