Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It looks like FIFA might actually be doing something smart for a change. FIFA president Sepp Blatter said soccer's governing body will reopen the replay issue after the World Cup.

Blatter said Tuesday that FIFA deplores "when you see the evidence of refereeing mistakes." It would be "a nonsense" not to consider changes, he said.

"After having witnessed such a situation," Blatter said, referring to England's non-goal against Germany, "we have to open again this file, definitely."

FIFA keeps saying they enjoy the human element and all the controversy that comes along with it, but they are severely hurting their sport. When you have a sport like soccer where goals are so valuable, you can’t continue to have bad calls where good goals are continually called off. There are so many technological advances out there that soccer could benefit from. If FIFA doesn’t do something, it could really hurt the sport and the World Cup.

Even if they don’t want to do replay, there is still another alternative, which is to add more referees to the field. Right now you have a head ref and two side judges, why not add another ref to roam the field? Why not add another judge by the goal line? There needs to be some type of change.


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