Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday, I'm in love +

The It's Friday, I'm In Love Series

Via Summer Brown

I am in + with the fact that I was able to go see this baby girl today:

because today was her 2nd birthday!!!! and her party was ridiculously cute. (she was being stubborn about taking a picture)

I am in + with the fact my oldest (& closest) sister is in town for a whole week!! (She is from D.C.) We even get to watch Eclipse together. +

I am in + with going home tomorrow, and my Grandpa having his 80th birthday SURPRISE party. You have no idea how excited he is going to be to have his kids and grandkids be there... 4 out of 5 of my sisters will be there, and that is an accomplishment considering how far and how busy our lives are to all get together randomly.

I am in + with being with Family. ++

Happy weekend everyone, I hope it's fantastic. Expect a lot of pictures upon return.


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