Saturday, July 31, 2010

So apparently anyone that was using I.E was not able to access my blog for the past few weeks... When I stopped getting so many comments, I just assumed it was my lack of good blog material, untill Miss Morgan, let me know it was just when she used I.E. and then I accessed my blog from Boyfriends computer and low and behold it was NOT pretty...

I spent the entire morning basically on it, and even consulted blog desingers, and it came to one simple thing:


A widget I had, the code was making the post appear funny... What's even funnier is that Anna suggested it might be a widget. She is a genius!

Anyways, I am sorry for the inconvience or trouble it has brought anyone. Thank you to those concerned people who FB/Tweeted/Emailed me to let me know it wasn't working and for the help.

Much appreciation, glad I am back to working. Hopefully none of you still experiance problems.

Have a wonderful Saturday!


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