Thursday, December 2, 2010


Wow, this year has come and gone. I feel like just last week I was setting new goals for school, for life and here we are a month away from 2011. It's true time does fly and I feel that so often I focus too much on my future that I am not living in the present, and in order to live in the present, I must reflect on this past year and this upcoming year.

So I am participating in the Reverb10. Reflecting on this year and manifesting what's next.

December 1 - One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

This past year I feel that I have dealt with so much, from the past and present and I feel that I learned to deal with them, to accept them, to appreciate the bad because without it you cannot know the good. I have gained a strength, and with that strength comes the knowledge that although times might be hard, I CAN and will come through it and for that I am thankful.

For 2011, Passion:
There are moments, there are days that I feel that I am not passionate about anything and that saddens me. Yes, I like and adore many things, but to truly say I am passionate about it? I am not sure. Yet if there is one thing I am passionate about it is the work of changing someones life. I, with all my heart, know that I will change someones life for the better, and I only hope that in 2011 I can feel as passionate about other things as I do for that.

December 2 - Writing.
What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?

I consider myself a writer. I take pride in the fact that I write well. However, so often I create my poems, my writings and I do not share them. I am afraid, sharing them will mean I become vulnerable to those who read them, sharing them means the memories I am recording are not my own anymore, yet I know that without sharing them, without others reading them, without having someone critique them, I cannot advance and I in turn stunt my growth and this doesn't contribute to my writing.

For 2011:
I will share my writing more. I will once again publish a work of mine. I will share with the world my pain, my sorrows and my strength because there are so many people I know will benefit from this. I can do this and I will.

Join me in the reflection of your life in 2010, and your goals for 2011. Find the prompt here.


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