Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stefan Stevenson of the Star-Telegram posted a report from practice yesterday that you should check out. Inside that posting, Stevenson had this quote from TCU A.D. Chris Del Conte.

Del Conte said TCU contemplated moving its 2011 home games to the Cotton Bowl, but decided it was best to keep them in Fort Worth.

"It's better for us to play here because we're Fort Worth's team," he said. "Most people don't do what we're trying to do. I'm asking everyone to be a little bit patient because we wanted to keep the games in Fort Worth, but because of that, we're all going to be displaced a little bit this year."

Good decision by Del Conte on this one. I think attendance would have suffered if a lot of Frog fans and students had to drive from Ft. Worth to Dallas.


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