Monday, November 17, 2008

17: After a much-dreaded trip to the dentist this morning to get several cavities filled, I decided that I definitely have something to be thankful for: anesthetics. While I absolutely hate the process of being numbed up (I hate the feeling, I hate the shots, I hate not being able to feel my tongue!), I am sure grateful that I don't have to feel the procedure taking place in my mouth. The bottom of my mouth is apparently harder to numb than the top, and at first I could feel a little bit of what was taking place (until I had about 4 shots of anesthetic!!!). . .which made me all the more thankful that they have novocaine (or whatever it is they use nowadays) and I don't have to feel much of anything when getting dental procedures done.

But I still hate going to the dentist (even though he is extremely nice)!


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