Thursday, November 20, 2008

20: I am thankful for music. . .be it Christian, Country or Classical. . .or a selected few songs and artists from other genres (for instance, David Archuleta, who doesn't fit under any of those categories!).

If I am driving, there is a 99% chance that there is music playing in my car. The station or CD varies, but there is almost always music in my car, and I'm usually singing along. :-) I also often listen to music while I am doing homework. Sometimes this doesn't work because it distracts me, but sometimes it does. And hey, that's what soundtracks are good for -- music without words (in most cases!).

Yes, I think it is safe to say that I am quite thankful for music. :-)

And if, after reading this, you are curious just what I might be listening to while driving, scroll down to the bottom of this page -- and the music player should start. :-)


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