Tuesday, November 4, 2008

According to a study published today by the RAND Corporation, teenagers who watch TV shows containing high amounts of sexual content are more than twice as likely to be involved in a pregnancy; a fact Billy Ray Cyrus should keep in mind the next time his daughter has a sleepover with 20 year-old beau Justin Gaston.

Focusing on sex-laden programs such as Miley Cyrus’s confessed favorite show “Sex and the City,” researchers surveyed 2,000 adolescents nationwide, ages 12-17, regarding their television habits and sexual behavior. Their findings: sex on TV is a legitimate contributor to teen pregnancy.

"Adolescents receive a considerable amount of information about sex through television and that programming typically does not highlight the risks and responsibilities of sex," the study’s lead author, Anita Chandra, said today in a press release. "Our findings suggest that television may play a significant role in the high rates of teenage pregnancy in the United States."

This summer, 15 year-old Cyrus went so far as to tell TV Guide her Disney show “Hannah Montana” was in part based on “Sex and the City,” which itself is based on the urban sexual cavorting of four hedonistic old ladies.

“Obviously not the scenarios,” Miley told TV Guide in July, “but if you watch ‘Sex and the City’, like the way the friends are, the way that it’s dry and they all have distinct characters - that’s a thing we try to do on [Hannah Monatana].”

Later qualifying her remarks to the legions of conservative, middle-American parents who consume her merchandise like water, Miley explained she watches the slightly less racy TBS reruns of “Sex and the City” versus the un-edited HBO episodes.

Currently dating 20 year-old Gaston, her squeaky clean rep already tainted with leaked cell-phone snaps and expected to be worth over $1 billion by the time she’s 20, one has to wonder: If one of America’s largest and most prestigious think-tanks says Miley Cyrus is more than 50% likely to become pregnant before the age of 18, will it be so?


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