Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whoa. The internet is on fire today.

No one can capture what everyone's thinking, feeling, wanting to graffiti on every wall in sight quite like Luisa can in her Lassie Get Help blog. Worse than Vick

And don't miss YesBiscuit's entry today that outlines HSUS' reaction to those who are grieving the decision to destroy 145 Wilkesboro dogs without evaluation. Shame on us for caring about bust dogs rather than shelter dogs, btw. We need to leave the caring about bust victims up to the experts.

And who else saw this one coming? From HSUS statement:

"Those particular fighting dogs in Wilkes County, NC were very, very different than the Vick dogs.....Vick was not a good breeder, and he lost most of his fights. His dogs were a poor representation of true fighting dogs."
So clearly the Wilkesboro dogs were even LESS deserving of evaluation than the Vick dogs, who (we're told) did not deserve evaluations AT ALL. Yes, John Goodwin. Your actions and words are indeed doing irreparable damage to the soul of your organization, and to the good people who still work within it.

Thank you to everyone including Luisa for reminding us that without any fanfare, sissy-dog-fighting-wannabe-should-neva-have-been-evaluated-by -those-bleeding-heart-rescuers Hector officially became a therapy dog yesterday, reminding us once again that all this grief and head banging and stomachs turned in twisted knots is really (truly) worth it.

Good GOD! lookit that dog.


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