Bionic Lolo is living in a fog of sedatives while her foster family works to keep the Wallaby girl still ... Not easy for a dog so full of life. We'll update as she's allowed to try out those new knees. We really appreciate everyone who's donated towards her fund. Bless you! That dog must've been born with lucky rabbit's feet.
Next is Nelly, who's getting herself healthy enough for surgery. We're waiting for her white blood cell count to improve just a bit more ... maybe one more week before we go. Our vet puzzled over best ways to create new nostrils and keep them from re-sealing like an unused piercing once they heal, but with a few well placed sutures tucked up high, she's optimistic that she'll be able to breathe again for the first time. Imagine - no more gasping, rasping, chortling like a little dragon. We have to wonder - Will she still be Nelly or will we sorta miss her 'special' noises?
Below, Nelly and cohort TugTug make the most of their first untethered zoomie party in our house together, compliments of the rainy season. The best bits come from our wide-eyed, gray muzzled Lola, who just can't seem to believe her eyes: "Wha? The underlings get to run loose now? Oh crrraaaap. What's the world coming to?" Don't worry Lola. Your job's still safe.