I decided to buy some CDs and DVDs with some of my Christmas money, and one of the CDs I bought recently was Josh Turner's Everything is Fine. If you have never listened to Josh Turner, you should. He burst on the country music scene several years ago when he sang his hit, Long Black Train at the Grand Ole Opry (it's a great song!), and he hasn't slowed down since. His most recent CD, Everything is Fine, is no exception to his amazingness. Not only is his voice simply amazing, but his songs are, too. I have had the CD in my CD player pretty much non-stop since I bought it (with the exception of a couple days when a friend borrowed it, and a couple days where I listened to a different CD), and have no intentions of stopping listening to it anytime soon.
There are a few songs on the CD that I especially like. . .for example, the celtic-sounding song, The Longer The Waiting (The Sweeter the Kiss) -- which I love because it is a celtic song with a bit of a country feel, Soulmate -- which is the cutest, sweetest song. . .EVER!, and, my personal favorite, The Way He Was Raised -- and if you listen to the song you'll think it's awesome too. Trust me.
Anyway, I thought I would share with you the title song from the CD, the upbeat song Everything is Fine. Whether you are in a good mood or a bad mood, listen to it. . .I bet you'll be smiling, and maybe tapping your feet, in no time (it's a good one to crank up and sing while driving). :-)
If you like that song, go to FreeNapster and look up the album, and listen to it -- especially the songs I mentioned -- and see what you think.