Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cerebrum or serebum located above the brain stem is the largest part of the human brain. This section is responsible for all intellectual activity, such as the ability to think, menalarkan, remembering, imagining, and planning for the future.

The cerebrum is divided into parts (hemispheres), left and right hemisphere. Each side has different functions. Left brain functions in matters relating to logic, reason, ability to write and read, and is central to mathematics. Part of the brain is the controlling intelligence quotient (IQ). This part of the brain's memory is also short term.

Meanwhile, the right brain function in the development of emotional quotient (EQ). For example socialization, communication, interaction with other human beings as well as emotional control. On the right brain is also located intuitive ability, the ability to sense, integrate, and expression of the body, such as singing, dancing and painting.

Hemisphere which is better, not easy to answer because each side has different functions. However, according to experts, most people in the world live with his left brain relies more.

The user's left brain is generally stronger in math. They also tend to have sharper right ear, foot and his right hand is also much sharper than his hands and his left leg. Users and vice versa with the right brain.

How do I know someone uses part of the brain where the more dominant of the interface can also diintip desk. When a person uses the right brain dominant, traits tend to be messy desk. Even so he knows exactly where the items sought and what was being done. Therefore, those who use more right brain, parallel thinking processes, while users left brain way of thinking series.

To optimize the performance of the two parts of the brain, we could do gymnastics brain (Brain Gym). The principle of this exercise is to perform movements deviated through the middle or which is called the corpus callosum.


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