Sunday, July 25, 2010

Greetings from 38,000 feet! You may have noticed that my blog has been quiet for awhile. There is a reason. I have been "home" in Southern California for the past 9 days. The trip was a surprise for my Grama who turned 90 last Wednesday (more on that in another post). So I had to keep quiet on my blog (since she reads it) and then did not have time to update from Cali. 

Right now I am on my way home, above the clouds at 38,000 feet. Alaska Airlines has free Wi-Fi until August 1, so I am taking advantage of it until my battery dies on my laptop. :)

I will post more (lots more!) about my trip once I get home. It was an absolute blast and it was so hard to leave. But all good things must come to an end.

Anyway, be watching for more posts about my SoCal adventures. . .

- Laura


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