Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 114: Daffodils in bloom on Easter!

Day 115: Taken on Easter, but too cute not to share! Our lovely Reba girl.

Day 116: Awana Awards night...and boy, those new awards are COOL!

Day 117: No picture, and no terribly interesting older pictures to share....

Day 118: I was combing the internet to find out when I could watch The Royal Wedding (no, I did not watch it live when it aired because that was 1am our time!).

Day 119: Tea & scones in honor of the Royal Wedding. :)

Day 120: I took this on Day 119 but since that is also when I made those tasty scones, it had to wait for the next day. I went to the senior research presentations for LCSC....interesting stuff this year!

Day 121: One of my friends graduated from college and he got to make a speech since he was the student government chairman this year. I thought this was a pretty cool picture. :)

Day 122: Taken on Day 121. A friend hosted a bonfire to celebrate N's graduation...and again, this was a picture that was too cool not to share! :)

Day 123: Awana Leadership Dinner....delicious chicken, veggies, coleslaw and cheesecake. Mmmmmm!

Day 124: My poor tripod looks pretty sad, doesn't it? It has no head yet!

Day 125: Hey! Look what came in the mail! I tripod head that allows me to use the tripod with my camera (like my Rainbow Sandals, In-N-Out Burger & Mac stickers on my mirror? *grin*).

Day 126: Someone brought in some ruby slippers to my work for us to use as a possible prop...I had to try them on. Unfortunately clicking them together three times while saying "There's No Place Like Home!" did not transport me anywhere....because that would be quite a story to tell! :)


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