Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I had to let that game two loss soak in for a little bit before I gave my thoughts on a few things, and now I am ready. Even though the Mavs got destroyed I am not that upset by it, and here is why Mavs fans should wait before they jump off the edge.

If I would have told you a week ago the Mavs would have come out of San Antonio with the split, fans would have been thrilled! Now that they actually did that but lost one of the games by 20+ everyone wants to freak out. Well, settle down. We have seen this before so let me convince you to take a few steps back from the ledge.

- These two teams have played 6 times this season, the series is split 3-3. These things happen.

- Home court advantage is still in the Mavs favor.

- The Mavs ALWAYS rebound from blowout losses.

- The Mavs did what they had to do and got the split in San Antonio

- Teams that won game one on the road are now 0-3 in game 2 and most likely Orlando will beat Philly to make it 0-4. That’s how it goes in the NBA.

Here is a question for you, was game one the real Mavs or was game 2 the real Mavs? Was game 2 the return of the real Spurs? Or was that their best shot in desperation to win that game? Just think about it…Let that marinate.

In other news, the league will review and interview Erick Dampier on his post game statements about putting Tony Parker on his back. Damp should have kept the comments to his self. He is now in a lose-lose situation. If he goes through with it, the refs could eject him or he could be suspended if it’s a hard enough foul. If he does not do it he will be looked at like a punk.

I am headed to practice later this afternoon so I should have a practice update and audio for you.


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