Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu, Seriously??

Ok, am I the only one who thinks this Swine Flu stuff has gotten out of hand? Like, is it really that serious? Over 30,000 people die every year from the flu or flu symptoms, is this not a normal thing? I think people are going way overboard with this.

Texas UIL has canceled all educational and athletic events until at least May 11th. This is cool I guess but don’t the kids have a better chance of contracting it at school then at an event outside of school? This is affecting baseball players and track athletes as it has canceled or postponed many of their events. Baseball scouts are saying this could really interfere with the evaluations of players and that isn’t good for the kids.

Now, Fort Worth ISD has closed all schools effective immediately and will not open any sooner that May 11th. Seriously? There have been how many cases in Texas?? And we are closing down a whole school district? Give me a break.

John Stewart had a great line on the Daily Show last night. Swine Flu is #100 on the list of shit that can kill you in Mexico. #1 is the Bullet Flu!! ahaha

This is just another case of people overreacting.


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