Sunday, May 24, 2009


If you stop and actually think about the things you see in sports, it really is incredible. Each sport has its amazing moments and different degrees of difficulty, but I want to specifically talk about basketball here.

When Dr. James Naismith created this game, do you think he ever thought people would elevate it to such a high level? Or play it with such skill and talent? The NBA playoffs this season have been fantastic, and it is great to see so many players playing at such a high level. We have seen huge performances from Dirk, Tony Parker, Derek Rose, Kobe, Melo, LeBron, etc…I could go on and on, but does anyone really think about what they are doing?

These guys are shooting a ball that is 29.5 inches in circumference into a hoop that is 18 inches in diameter from multiple feet away. The NBA three point line is 23 feet away. To me, it is kind of crazy when you think about it. (It is even crazier when you think about how people hit baseballs but that posting will have to wait.)

Obviously, the players spend hours working on their shots, but it is wild that people can hone their skill like that. Just my observations on a rainy Sunday, trying to kill time before game three between Cleveland and Orlando.


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