Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pagerank is a value assigned to measure the importance of a web / blog in the eyes of google. The bigger pagerank then google will bring up the blog on the first page of search results. PageRank calculations ranged from 0-10 digits, the more medekati pagerank 10 the better. alexa rank different mudur count. Actually there is no clear info about how to increase PageRank, it is still limited to the analysis and experience from other bloggers, but at least a few little tips can help increase our pagerank.

1. Blog updates
Rutinlah update the blog with interesting content because google also see keaktivan sautu blog and love which is always updated blog, do not let a whole month not a single item

2. Blogwalking and leave a comment
When visiting other blogs, be friendly with bloggers who left a trail of comments. besides establishing a good relationship between fellow blogger, comments can also be calculated backlinks and simplify ensnare visitors to our blog.

3. Managing inbond links and outbound links
Meant inbond is another blog link, which nge link into your blog. While the outbound link is a blog when we give backlinks to other blogs. Do not let this blog between inbond and outbound outbound links bigger. If that happens, then what will happen to your blog is likely to remain at the previous PageRank, or longer if you are unlucky page rank will drop. But it would be otherwise if inbond your link is bigger than your outbound links. So stay up just waiting for your homework.

4. Submit to the directory search engine, directory and blog articles directory
Submit your blog to these sites have search engines, Please feel free to mensubmitnya on google. Or if it is less freewebsubmission I used to use the service. With one click you can register your blog to multiple services Search engines and other directory sites, for free!

5. The connection of Post (inlink Post)
If you look at almost every post I am definitely a lot to spread the link in the post. Normally I slipped the postings previous article, in the hope that visitors to read back my old posts. So the article can still be visited and can improve the content popularity because of frequent visits. The goal of increasing the number of blog url to google index.


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