Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March [Goals]

I love starting a new month. Starting a new month is just like starting over and that's just what I do. When it's the first, I try to make the best out of the month by leaving every problem in the last month and simply working to make the most out of the new one. Here, I've made a list of some of the goals that I plan to accomplish this month. Happy March everyone!

  • Set a daily routine- I am the WORST at going to bed at a specific time, waking up at a specific time and of course, I am the worst procrastinator. That's when I came with the idea of making a daily schedule. If, by each day I had a list to follow, I'll eventually start doing the things on my own and it will be my daily routine!
  • Focus on school- Going to school will obviously be on my daily to do list, this is one of my main goals for March and life in general. Sometimes I end up not going to school because I'm too lazy, but later I end up feeling guilty. While I am in school, I usually end up spending half of my time texting. Then theres my lack of focus when I'm not in school. Besides worksheets that have to be turned in, I spend little to no time studying! This of course, will not get me anywhere! I am determained to change all of these errors this month!
  • Be healthy- I've come to a conclusion that I will feel alot better if I lose some of my extra baggage, this month I want to lose 10 pounds and then after I lose that we'll see where I go from there. I recently bought a gym membership at this new gym thats opening March 17th, although going to the gym will start during the middle of the month, I'm really excited to start going. I'm actually thinking of walking to and from the gym! As for eating, this month will be focused on cutting out junk food, not drinking so much soda (even though I lovee soda) and eating much smaller portioned meals! I'll let you know on April 1st if I lost the 10 pounds and how!
  • Read more- Slowly but surely I've realized that I have a love for reading, during High School I think I was brainwashed by everybody when they said that reading was boring, but now I'm thinking that I haven't read enough books through my life. Starting this month I want to read ALOT more. I want to read so many books in my life time and watch alot of movies too for that matter. Next library trip I plan on checking out 10 movies and 5 books! I plan on doing this until I read every book and see every movie in that library!
  • Better hair- As of right now, my hair looks like a rooty mess. I based when I'm going to dye my hair on when I reach my weight goal. I really don't want to touch the length but I haven't cut it since last summer and I'm starting to get some fly aways and split ends, I'm planning on trimming it the day I get out of school for spring beak! I really don't want to :( I have a feeling I'm going to cry that day! but the good thing is that I wont have to cut it again for at least 6 months! woohoo! So it will all be okay! I want to have the best hair everrr (:


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