Monday, August 25, 2008

We're overwhelmed by Animal Planet-related mail tonight....Heeelp!
But, how can we complain? A favorite email:

I watched Animal Planet last night. You guys have changed my stereotypical opinion of Pit Bulls. The comment Tim made about handling 3000 Pit Bulls and never being bitten amazed me. If I handled 3000 of ANY dog, I'd figured that I'd have been bitten at least once! Great story! Great show! P.S. Has Donna been bitten by a Pit Bull? - Joe Wilson
Ha! Answer: Yes, once. My fault. No damage, but giving up my bragging rights hurt worse than the big yellow bruise I took on my thigh. Ouch.

The Animal Planet Show is now ONLINE
....And, Forrest the Denver Dog is SAVED
Thanks for the news, Colorado Pit Bull Rescue!


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