Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's official.

Summer is over. School started on Monday.

Yes, it was a bittersweet moment to walk into my first class of the semester. On the one hand I am excited: this is my senior year in college, and if all goes according to plan I should be walking across the stage to receive my diploma on May 3, 2009 (which is in less than 250 days, by the way!). However, on the other hand, going back to school means that I have less free time, I can't work as much, and my life is consumed by something known as classes and homework. Now, don't get me wrong. . .I enjoy school (as much as I might whine, complain, and cry about it at times!). . .but homework gets frustrating (and sometimes boring!) at times. . .and I will admit it:

I am one of the worst procrastinators in the world.
(don't comment on that!)

Yes, folks, it's true. I, Laura, am a procrastinator. For example, I am writing this blog entry when I suppose I should be reading all about the wonders of communication research. Can you see why I put it off?! :-) Anyway, all this to say that one of my goals this semester is to stay right on top of things so that I don't maintain my procrastinator reputation. :-) (disregard the fact that I say that every semester!)

This semester I am taking 12 credits: Senior Research Project, Mass Media, Leadership and then I am getting 3 credits for being the Activities Chairperson for the Associated Students of Lewis-Clark State College, Coeur d'Alene. Pretty nifty, huh? That title makes me sound all official or something like that. . .anywho. . .

As I said at the beginning of this post-that-didn't-quite-go-the-direction-I-intended-it-to, summer is over. However, I am quite pleased to inform all of you wonderful readers that I did enjoy the summer a LOT! I was able to spend lots of time with friends -- I spent time with friends at the lake, at the park, at the fair, in the car, while eating ice cream, while playing Dance Dance Revolution and Wii Sports, and many other places with many other activities!

Of course, some of the highlights of the summer occurred within the last week! You see, that is when I was finally able to go on vacation. Let me point out that I rarely go on vacation, partly because it can be expensive, partly because I have to have a place to go and people to go with! Well, this summer it worked out for me to go on not one vacation, but TWO! The fun part is that they both occurred in the SAME WEEK! It sure was fun taking the week off work and exploring places I had never been before. . .but I won't share all the details. . .I have lots of pictures from my two adventures, and I will write separate entries for each trip!

Oh yes. . .I also entered six pictures in the county fair this year. I didn't place, but that didn't surprise me because photography is a highly competitive category with some AMAZING entries! It's mostly just fun to enter the pictures and see them at the fair!

Well, I think that is all for this update. . .thanks for checking in to my blog. . .and I hope I will be more consistent in my updates, now that school is in session and I might have something interesting to blog about! For now, it's off to the books, so that I will have time to spend hanging out with friends, hopefully in the near future! :-) See ya!


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