Saturday, August 30, 2008

Earlier this week, I read that the Watsonville City Council was going to address cracking down on dangerous dogs in the city. The newspaper reported that among the options council members were to consider was restricting certain breeds, like pit bulls and rottweilers. My heart jumped into my throat. Would Watsonville really choose breed specific restrictions? Of course, I was anxious all day and at the end of the work day, I went to the city council meeting like a good citizen and waited for the dangerous dog agenda item, which of course, was scheduled for the very end of the meeting.

Finally, at 9:30 pm, Marc Pimentel, Administrative Services Director and Animal Services Board Member, addressed city council. He suggested that his staff investigate options to better address dangerous dogs and set forth several available options. He recommended strengthening already existing laws; partnering with local animal organizations to develop a public education outreach campaign; and changing who conducts the dangerous dog hearings.

After the presentation, city council members commented and asked questions. And by the time the last council member spoke, I was so proud and pleasantly surprised. ALL members of council, including the mayor, opposed any breed specific measure and believed the problem to stem from the owner, not the dog. ALL council members were in favor of the recommendations made, and ALL were especially in favor of working with others to provide community outreach. The city staff agreed to research the recommendations and come back at a later date with more specific proposals for council's approval.

News: Watsonville Rejects Targeting

WOW! Viva progressive thinking. If you have a minute, please send a quick email to the council to thank them for not only focusing on the right end of the leash, but also for realizing that education and public outreach is a more effective tool than a breed-specific band-aid:
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