Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My husband Bill and I adopted Audie, a Michael Vick dog a couple of months ago. Audie has the energy of a tornado, but can you blame him? He lived much of his life chained to a tree, subjected to terrors beyond my belief, and then was rescued and given a chance for a new life by the government, but not before spending the next 6 months in a small cage. This dog is making up for lost time. For the first few weeks in our home, if we took our eyes or leash off of him for even a moment, we might find Audie standing (yes, all fours) on our kitchen table, trying to swallow a wet washcloth, or using the back of the sofa as a springboard. Audie has begun to settle in though. He’s polished up his house manners, and has taken on a new task of helping my husband rebuild a section of fence. Bill has had to dig a few post holes and Audie has dug a few more. I think this tornado of a dog is happy and he’s finally, finally convinced he’s home for good. Why else would he be helping to dig fence post holes just to keep himself in the yard!


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